Monday, May 30, 2011

Save the Strangers

You asked for a hug
which is one of those ordinary things
that strangers should share
but don't
because strangers are terribly busy
being strangers

I managed to be extraordinary
for a moment
managed to put aside
the strangeness of the moment
and give you an honest hug
or a half

I pulled away
too soon
pulled back into this stranger self
before you were done
before you got
whatever it was you needed

And you stumbled
like I let you down
which I did
so I apologized
apologized for being so strange
for not being enough

I thought to ask you to dinner
when I got home
to ask you about the children
they pay you to save
the little strangers
demanding to be fed

Monday, May 23, 2011

Selling Something

I get mad
when people suggest I should care
and don't provide
the requisite video montage
don't set
don't stop believing
to sync up with their spiel

I'm a modern day man
and demand
on-demand imagination
sentimental pornography
of pay-per-view children
with flies on their faces
and distended bellies

For a dollar a day
I could tend that belly
and get updated monthly
or weekly
or daily
on the child's blog
I ate today

I'd write in the comments
I ate today too
and leave my name
as anonymous
the dollar a day guy
who doesn't really care
but genuflects just the same

Monday, May 16, 2011

A Monologue For Two

Whenever we talk
I get the sense that neither of us
is listening
which is the best sort of talk
you can ask for
and receive

It's this sense
that neither of us really cares
what the other one is saying
that we're taking turns
to ourselves

We're polite enough
to inject interjections
in the gaps
of the others' monologue
when it becomes necessary
to take a breath

But the words
have no real meaning
and the stories
end up back where they started
so when one of us stops
the other begins

It's not that we're boring
or overly narcissistic
we just like listening
to the sound of our voices
telling us things
we already know

Monday, May 9, 2011

Idyll Conversation

She's waiting for the question
close upon my lips
waiting for me
to set her answer in motion

The way she chews her words
makes me wonder
if this conversation
is instead regurgitation

It's almost charming
in a pastoral
cow chewing its cud
sort of fashion

Almost charming
in a cow taking a dump
sort of boredom
with what comes next

I'm happy for this moment
watching her mouth
waiting for me
to set her in motion

Monday, May 2, 2011

A Laughing Matter

I'm not supposed to be amused
but it's funny
to find all this sentiment
rising to the surface
some ten years down the road
some ten years removed
between then and now
and nothing has changed

There's an obligation
to mourn for all the dead
all those who continue to die
in the shortsighted pursuit of justice
of domestic tranquility
achieved through international hostility
as if the production of war
wasn't a joke in poor taste

I actually laughed
to see the president on youtube
to see the progress of our war
of terror
to see the vacant truth
that people are already disputing
that one more death
can be given meaning

This is our movement towards hope
hope for a future
where the dead don't lie nameless
away from their homes
where we don't demand bodies
to remind us we're alive
to borrow the sight
of those forever blind