Monday, June 27, 2011

Something Else

That siren smile was something else
as voiced by my mother
because she's got the years
that I don't
to make it really mean something
and when I borrow her words
I like to present them            
in her voice
with the proper inflection
the proper genuflection
before the altar of that old love
that makes this new love
so very true

Pardon the preamble
but I was thinking
about the best way to tell you
that I wanted to stop
and let you convince me my thetan levels
were out of this world
but I knew if I pulled out my earbuds
that smile would be swallowed
and whatever spell
you placed upon me
would break
whatever love I felt
would crash upon the rocks

The world is made of moments
and I spend most of them
trying to string together
the ones just past
into some sort of mythology
that's just as crazy
as whatever it was you were selling
just as ludicrous
as the way I fall in love
with a pair of lips
lifted up like wings
to carry me away
from the whirlpool of the world

Monday, June 20, 2011

Spin me right round

She spins the world
round her hips
and much as I'd like to watch
I'm not the child I once was
who stared at the sun
because he was told not to

Each revolution brings
a responsibility
to turn my head away
before I start leering
to turn my heart away
before I start loving

I need to take the advice
of my six year old self
and simply tell this stranger
how her hula hooping
is making it okay
to stare at the sun again

Talking to celestial bodies
isn't my style though
so I'm left smiling at her
an aimlessly amiable smile
letting her know I'm watching
from so very far away

Monday, June 13, 2011

T-Shirt Idea

I don't take compliments
with a necessary degree
of detachment
so when you told me
you liked my shirt
I figured you liked my shirt
and wanted to sleep with me
but were socially obligated
to compliment my clothing
before we jumped into bed

It's ridiculous
in that way truth often is
in the way that people
pretend their words
have no meaning
beyond the present tense
where I'm struggling
to find a casual enough
thank you
to let you off the hook

I'd like to thank you
for offering fornication
in the space of four words
but there's a chance
slim though it may be
that maybe
you just liked me shirt
so thank you
for liking these words
spilling off my sleeve

Monday, June 6, 2011

Making this shit up

there's this girl
and I'd like to tell her
that she's pretty
only it's a lie
that I'd like to tell her

it make you happy
if I were a liar
and this girl
wasn't this girl
but was you

might have caught on
if you weren't looking
through that lens
weren't looking to capture
missed connections

while I play it again
there's this girl
and I'd like to tell her
that she's pretty
only it's a lie

If this were for you
why is it about
the way I lie
about pretty girls
pretty yous
made up by me